Best Mommy Makeover Clinic Beverly Hills

Mommy Makeover Surgery in Beverly Hills

Best Mommy Makeover Clinic Beverly Hills

Mommy makeover surgery is a popular procedure that women who are nearing or have recently given birth often consider. Many wonder if mommy makeover surgery is right for them, and if it will improve their confidence and body image after having children. Mommy makeover surgery usually consists of three different procedures; breast uplift, tummy tuck, and liposuction. Depending on your needs and desired outcome, the surgeon can customize a plan specific to you. However, it’s important to remember that no surgical procedure can fully erase the physical toll giving birth has taken on your body. The goal of this article is to give you insight into whether or not mommy makeover surgery is right for you – focusing on specific criteria about whether you’re an ideal candidate for this type of procedure.

What Is Involved in Mommy Makeover Surgery in Beverly Hills?

Mommy makeover surgery usually involves three different procedures; breast uplift, tummy tuck, and liposuction. Depending on your needs and desired outcome, the surgeon can customize a plan specific to you. However, it’s important to remember that no surgical procedure can fully erase the physical toll giving birth has taken on your body. The goal of this article is to give you insight into whether or not mommy makeover surgery is right for you – focusing on specific criteria about whether you’re an ideal candidate for this type of procedure. The breast uplift procedure is intended to lift and reposition the breasts, making them appear more youthful and proportionate to the rest of your body. This can be done using implants or, more commonly, through breast lifting using your own tissues. In the case of breast lift with implants, the surgeon will remove a small amount of excess breast skin and reposition the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast. The nipple-areola complex is then connected to a breast implant to give the breasts a more youthful, uplifted appearance. The tummy tuck procedure involves removing excess fat and skin, as well as tightening the muscles in your abdomen. The surgery usually leaves a long scar that runs from your lower abdomen around to the front of your body. However, the surgeon can adjust the position of the incision to minimize its visibility and maximize its effectiveness. Liposuction is a procedure that removes excess fat from the body. During this procedure, the surgeon uses a small incision to reach the fat and then suctions the fat cells out with a small tube. The excess fat is then removed from the body. Liposuction can be used to treat a number of areas of the body, including the outer thighs, upper arms, abdomen, and back.

Should You Consider a Mommy Makeover?

The decision to undergo any surgery is a major one and should not be taken lightly. If you are thinking about a mommy makeover, it’s important to consider your motivation behind it. Is it to repair damage done to your body during pregnancy and childbirth? Or is it to boost your confidence and appearance? If your decision to undergo a mommy makeover is to correct physical changes that have occurred since giving birth, you must be realistic about the outcome. The goal of any mommy makeover is to improve your body. Unfortunately, no surgical procedure can completely erase the physical toll giving birth has taken on your body. That being said, if you are looking to boost your confidence and self-esteem, mommy makeover surgery could be a great option for you. It’s important to note that no surgical procedure can completely change your personality or self-esteem. It can, however, help you feel more confident in your own skin and boost your self-esteem by correcting physical changes that have occurred since giving birth.

Why Might a Mommy Makeover Be Right for You?

Mommy makeover surgery usually involves three different procedures; breast uplift, tummy tuck, and liposuction. Depending on your needs and desired outcome, the surgeon can customize a plan specific to you. However, it’s important to remember that no surgical procedure can fully erase the physical toll giving birth has taken on your body. The goal of this article is to give you insight into whether or not mommy makeover surgery is right for you – focusing on specific criteria about whether you’re an ideal candidate for this type of procedure. The breast uplift procedure is intended to lift and reposition the breasts, making them appear more youthful and proportionate to the rest of your body. This can be done using implants or, more commonly, through breast lifting using your own tissues. In the case of breast lift with implants, the surgeon will remove a small amount of excess breast skin and reposition the nipple and areola to a higher position on the breast. The nipple-areola complex is then connected to a breast implant to give the breasts a more youthful, uplifted appearance. The tummy tuck procedure involves removing excess fat and skin, as well as tightening the muscles in your abdomen. The surgery usually leaves a long scar that runs from your lower abdomen around to the front of your body. However, the surgeon can adjust the position of the incision to minimize its visibility and maximize its effectiveness. Liposuction is a procedure that removes excess fat from the body. During this procedure, the surgeon uses a small incision to reach the fat and then suctions the fat cells out with a small tube. The excess fat is then removed from the body. Liposuction can be used to treat a number of areas of the body, including the outer thighs, upper arms, abdomen, and back.

If you’ve recently given birth and would like to correct changes to your breasts, abdomen, and thighs that have occurred since your pregnancy, a mommy makeover could be right for you. A mommy makeover can correct common physical changes that occur during and after pregnancy, including:

  • • Loose or sagging breasts: Breastfeeding and pregnancy can cause significant changes to the breasts, including stretch marks, loose skin, and drooping. A mommy makeover can lift and reposition your breasts to give you a more youthful, proportionate look.
  • • Excess abdominal skin: Not everyone loses their pregnancy weight in the same way. Depending on your genetics and lifestyle, you may experience a significant amount of excess abdominal skin. A mommy makeover can remove this excess skin and tighten the muscles in your abdomen to give you a slimmer, more youthful look.
  • • Bulging thighs: Pregnancy can cause significant amounts of excess fat to accumulate in the thighs and abdomen. A thigh lift and liposuction can help remove this excess fat and sculpt your thighs to achieve a more toned appearance.

Why Might a Mommy Makeover Not Be Right for You?

Not everyone is a good candidate for mommy makeover surgery. The following conditions can make it more risky or inadvisable for you to undergo a mommy makeover:

  • • Diabetes: Diabetes can cause significant damage to the blood vessels, increasing your risk of complications during and after surgery. As a result, pregnant or breastfeeding women with diabetes are less likely to be approved for mommy makeover surgery.
  • • Smoking: Smoking can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. If you smoke and are planning to undergo a mommy makeover, your surgeon may recommend nicotine patches to reduce your risk of complications.
  • • Excessive body fat: Liposuction is the most common procedure used during a mommy makeover. However, it is only effective if you have a considerable amount of body fat to remove. If you have significant amounts of excess fat, liposuction alone may not be enough.
  • • Family history of genetic conditions: If you have a family history of genetic conditions, your surgeon may recommend you undergo genetic testing before undergoing a mommy makeover.

How to Decide Whether Or Not to Have a Mommy Makeover in Beverly Hills?

When deciding whether or not to have a mommy makeover, it’s important to think about the future. This can help you determine if the benefits of undergoing a mommy makeover outweigh the potential risks. Bearing all of the above in mind, ask yourself the following questions to help you decide whether or not a mommy makeover is right for you:

  • • What are your goals for undergoing a mommy makeover? Do you want to correct physical changes that have occurred since giving birth? Or are you looking to boost your confidence and self-esteem?
  • • What is your health like? If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you may be at higher risk of complications.
  • • What is your body composition like? If you have a significant amount of excess fat, liposuction alone may not be enough.
  • • What is your financial situation like? The cost of mommy makeover surgery can vary dramatically depending on the type of procedure you undergo and where you have it done.

Final Words

A mommy makeover is an excellent option for women who have recently given birth and are looking to correct or improve the physical changes that have occurred since their pregnancy. While no surgical procedure can completely erase the toll pregnancy and childbirth have taken on your body, a mommy makeover can help you achieve a more youthful appearance and boost your confidence. With the right surgeon, you can undergo a mommy makeover with minimal risk and achieve a more toned, youthful appearance. Now that you know what is involved in a mommy makeover and why it might be right for you, you can make an informed decision about whether or not to undergo this procedure.
To learn more and discuss whether Mommy Makeover Surgery is right for you, please contact our Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon, Haimesh Shah, MD at 805 500 6589 to set up your consultation.