Renuvion J-Plasma Skin Tightening Clinic in Oxnard

As we age, our skin begins to show signs of aging. However, in response to aging woes and saggy skin, a new technology has garnered immense acclaim in the aesthetic industry: the Renuvion J-Plasma Skin Tightening.

What is Renuvion J-Plasma?

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A treatment to bring back the younger days, the RenuvionJ-Plasma is a minimally invasive, skin tightening treatment.

As soon as an individual hits the age of 20, the protein responsible for skin structure and elasticity – Collagen – is produced 1% less in the body, each year. This means, as collagen decreases, your skin loses its firmness and begins sagging instead.

To combat this, the RenuvionJ-Plasma device combines two technologies – Helium Gas and Radiofrequency Energy – to tightensaggy skin to achieve beautiful, youthful skin.

How Does it Work?

With few small incisions, the treatment targets collagen tissue underneath the skin to shrink instantaneously with minimal harm to the surrounding tissue. The procedure is performed by inserting a canulaunderneath the skin at a designated access point.

Once the device is activatedit will release electrical charge and helium gas. Together, these combines to form Plasma which provides heating and cooling simultaneously to the targeted tissue.

Offering minimal tissue damage, this results in contraction and tightening of the collagen–giving you tightened skin!

Mommy Makeover is a set of procedures, both cosmetic and non-surgical, to allow a mother to reclaim her pre-baby shape.

What Areas Can be Treated withJ-Plasty?

Fortunately, the RenuvionJ-Plasma Skin Tightening procedure was developed understanding the areas where saggy skin is most prominent. Thus, offering a variety of treatment areas, the treatment can be performed in one, or multiple areas for optimal effect.

The skin tightening areas include:

  • Neck lift
  • Breast lift
  • Arm lift
  • Buttock lift
  • Treatment on the abdomen and flanks
  • Thigh lift
  • Treatment in the back
  • Treatment for saggy knee skin

In case you wish to proceed with non-surgical procedures, you can also choose from the following methods:

  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Botox & Fillers
  • Skin Tightening Treatments

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Renuvion?

The J-Plasty is one of the very few methods that offer instantaneous results!

This means, the effects of the treatment are visible during procedure too. This allows for refined improvements in the areas treated during the procedure.

How Long Does J-Plasma Last?

If you were searching for a skin tightening treatment that lasts you a longtime – the RenuvionJ-Plasma Skin Tightening is your best bet.

While its initial effects are visible during the procedure, the skin contractions last up to several years post treatment. The results can be quite remarkable, removing 7-10 years of age appearance following the treatment.

RenuvionJ-Plasma Cost

The treatment cost can range between $2500 to $8000depending upon areas treated. Yet, the silver lining is that RenuvionJ-Plasma mostly only requires one session.

The Way to Ageless Skin: Embracing J-Plasma

With countless positive J-Plasma skin tightening reviews and hundreds of Renuvion before and after photos on the web; you don’t need any more reason to opt for this procedure.

Whether you wish to tighten the skin on your neck, arms, abdomen, or anywhere else – RenuvionJ-Plasma Skin Tightening is certainly an effective procedure worth investing in.

While its initial effects are visible during the procedure, the skin contractions last up to several years post treatment. The results can be quite remarkable, removing 7-10 years of age appearance following the treatment.