
A Few Key Things You Need To Know About Blepharoplasty Surgery


Blepharoplasty, commonly identified as “eyelid surgery” is a pioneering surgical procedure for treating droopy eyelids. In the course of this idiosyncratic plastic surgery, a doctor does the removal of skin, fat, and muscles from the sagging areas around your eyes.


Primarily, eyelid surgery is much sought-after by people seeking anti-ageing treatments. The slumping of the skin surrounding your eyes is likely as part of the natural ageing process. However, you may contemplate going ahead with this surgery if the sagging effects are so severe that they start bothering you.

Candidates who have substantial bags under their eyes or their eyebrows showing signs of sagging are also likely to go under the knife with blepharoplasty surgery.

Also Read: Top Unexpected Benefits of Blepharoplasty Treatment

For a number of people, the blepharoplasty surgery often goes afar the typical aesthetic concerns. You might be considered a good candidate for this procedure on the off chance your vision is impacted by flaccid skin. A few candidates may also complain about their vision getting obstructed by drooping skin when they look upwards.

With an aim to diminish the risk of complications you may come across as an ideal candidate if you aren’t a smoker or don’t suffer from any chronic illnesses that can exert an influence on your recovery.


The average cost of blepharoplasty surgery is $3000. Nonetheless, this is exclusive of the costs of anesthesia, medications, and operating room facilities.


As applicable to all surgeries blepharoplasty too carries the risk of infection, bleeding, and bruising. Blood clot formation is seldom found to occur even though it’s considered as a serious risk.

Other potential risks and complications include:

• An itchy feeling around the eye area

• Blurry vision

• Damage to the eye muscles

• Damage to the eyes because of excessive exposure from the sun

• Dry eyes

• Inability to close your eyes

• Scarring

It’s important that you compare notes with the best blepharoplasty surgeon beforehand about these likely risks and complications. Also, draw your surgeon’s attention to the odds given that you’ve got a history of complications arising from any surgery you’ve had in the past.


Every now and then, blepharoplasty is combined with another correlated procedure to increase the likelihood of securing better outcomes. A few people who have markedly saggy eyebrows may perhaps opt for an associated brow lift. Others may go through the procedure of a whole facelift at the same time for dealing with their other cosmetic concerns. In this context, you might consider swapping opinions with your plastic surgeon to understand if any other procedures would further help in improving the results of your eyelid surgery.

By and large, blepharoplasty is a one-time surgical procedure. However, you may be in want of a few follow-ups if the results you obtain aren’t too convincing or impressive or if your eyelids have failed to exhibit proper healing the first time around.

Blepharoplasty surgery in Oxnard or anywhere else is mainly used to treat commonly occurring signs of aging that manifest around your eyes. Assuming that you’re worried about sagginess or the presence of any superfluous skin around your eyes, you can talk to a board-certified dermatologist at Luxe Aesthetics Surgery & Medical Spa and look for an appropriate treatment option.

