
Demystifying Liposuction: Most Common Myths Debunked


Liposuction is the surgical process of removing excess fat which seems most unwilling to go with rigorous dieting and exercise. Since it is a surgical procedure and liposuction treatment side-effects and a common occurrence, therefore maintaining an ideal and healthy body condition before going for the treatment procedure is essential.

Most patients are often of the impression that liposuction can be done anytime at any age. But there are certain criteria to look at and pay importance to for getting better results. The ideal candidate for liposuction is the ones who are within 30% of their ideal body weight, have elastic skin texture for easy recovery and the ones who lead a healthy lifestyle without smoking for fast recovery.

Liposuction is often considered a scary process to go through and thus it is common for patents to have numerous questions and doubts in their minds before they dive in and invest to undergo the whole procedure. So here are a few common misconception and questions patients have and their answers explained:

  1. Liposuction is for female patients only:

  • Liposuction was mostly opted by female patients but the past few years have seen a rise in male patients opting for liposuction too. The areas targeted for liposuction are different in males and females. It is mostly being used by male patients as a body contouring procedure to define muscle structure and abs and under chin fat deposits. It is seen that Liposuction was the most opted for cosmetic treatment by male patients in America.

  1. The results of liposuction are permanent and do not require further maintenance:

  • Liposuction is a process of body contouring by fat removal. Though the liposuction treatment results are assumed to be permanent, the removed fat cells have no chances of growing back but the fat deposits which still remain can grow in the absence of proper diet and exercise. Liposuction cannot work magic until proper care and maintenance are done to keep the growth of excess body fat in check.

  1. Cellulite can be taken care of with liposuction treatment:

  • Cellulite is the hardened connecting tissue surrounding the fat just beneath the skin layer. It creates bulges and a lumpy texture on the skin surface. Liposuction does not help much for the removal of cellulite from under the skin surface. Conversely, it is seen that the patients opting for surgical fat removal with poor skin elasticity often have a worsened case of cellulite formation. Other cosmetic surgical and non-surgical treatments can be done for the removal of cellulite but unfortunately, liposuction is not the solution for the problem.

  1. Liposuction is the only option to reduce weight:

  • The best candidates for a Liposuction procedure are the ones who are at a stable 30% of their ideal body weight. It is not a procedure to reduce weight and avoid obesity but it is mostly done to sculpt and contour body fat in such a way, so as to get the ideal body structure.

  1. Liposuction procedures are painful:

  • Liposuction is a surgical procedure and takes about a week to heal and return back to the normal activities and about a month for performing rigorous and strenuous activities. With the advancement of technology in cosmetic sciences, the procedures have become sophisticated and do not include pain or any such severe discomfort.

Mild discomfort can be felt after the treatment process is completed, but few trained and professional cosmetic treatment centres provide same-day surgery and recovery. It is of utmost importance to come for post-treatment care and visits for better results.

  1. Liposuction results match with non-surgical fat removal treatments:

  • Non-surgical methods and surgical fat removal methods like liposuction most often than not give the same results, but the only drawback of non-surgical treatments is the time taking procedures and multiple consultation visits. Liposuction being a surgical method is very fast and takes one visit per body area for the treatment. The results are more predictable, fast and reliable which makes it the most favourable form of targeted fat removal for the clients.

  1. Liposuction and Tummy Tucking treatments are all and the same:

  • Tummy tucking procedure is completely different from liposuction. While liposuction is a surgical method of fat removal from fat pockets under the skin surface which is unaffected by diet or rigorous exercise, tummy tucking involves removal of excess skin and fat around the stomach area thereby strengthening and tightening the area. Liposuction is often used as a part of the treatment process in the tummy tucking procedures but the two are completely different with different end results.

If you are in Thousand Oaks, Ventura or Oxnard, USA and are looking for the best Liposuction treatment centres near me, then Luxe Aesthetic Surgery & Medical Spa is the only answer for you.

Luxe aesthetic Surgery & Medical Spa a premier aesthetic and cosmetic centre is the best provider of cosmetic treatments which are safe and minimally invasive to give the best results with maximum satisfaction from all our patients. Dr Haimesh Shah is a renowned name and the best liposuction doctor in the field of cosmetic treatment and is known to provide the best possible results.

