
How to Maintain Your Weight After Liposuction Surgery?


Research shows that removing fat from your abdominal body parts may cause you to gain belly fat and this type of fat is stored around the organs deep within your abdomen, and it is responsible to increase your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. However, the presence of fat in the body is not entirely bad. Healthy fat can provide energy to the body while stimulating the functions of the internal organs. So, it can be good for our bodies. Excessive fat becomes harmful and this could lead to some serious problems.

Nowadays, every liposuction patient asks a big question to liposuction treatments doctors Los Angeles – How to prevent unwanted fat and stop weight gain after liposuction surgery. Don’t worry! You are at the right place. Here are the top five ways to stay fit, slim, firm and maintain results after liposuction surgery.


Most of the people who decided to have liposuction surgery are already lost weight but they are saddled with belly fat or fat on other body parts. These people have already the importance of exercise as it’s a way to lose weight and to be healthy. After surgery, it will take only two weeks for you to be able to do exercise a little. As per your surgeon’s advice, you can start aerobic or resistance exercise.

Eat Healthy Food in Breakfast, Lunch & Breakfast:


Also Read Liposuction Surgery: All The Important Facts You Need To Know About

Increase Drinking Water Intake:

Drinking water has several benefits that can help you to maintain your weight after liposuction surgery in Los Angeles

.• Help to increase the number of calories burned by body 25 percent to 30 percent

• Lowers body fat and mass index

• Minimizes appetite

To deal with liposuction treatment side effects water helps you in a better way.

Try to Avoid Unhealthy Food:

Avoid unhealthily or junk food which is highly loaded with fat and calories. Ice-cream, potato chips, pizza, burgers, and all junk food will not help you to reduce your weight. Eliminating starchy and refined carbs like crackers, pasta, rice, cereal, baked goods, and bread will help you to maintain your health.

Reduce Stress:

Stress is a leading factor that is responsible to gain weight. To reduce the stress you can follow the below tips:

• Stay Positive

• Take a look at your spiritual side

• Do meditation each day

• Try to take a soaking bath or sit in a hot tub

These are some effective points that you should follow to maintain your fat-free look which you want after liposuction treatment and then check and enjoy liposuction treatment results. Contact today to Luxe Aesthetics Surgery & Medical Spa for a consultation to find out if liposuction will work for you as we are dedicated to helping all people to transform their bodies with, plastic surgery, fat removal and facial aesthetics.

